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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  January 28, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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gras or are you feeling the kind of the super bowl thing kind of taking over new orleans? >> i think in the next couple of days we have been asking everybody about the super bowl. they obviously know it's coming. but they are too busy with mardi gras right now. but i think things will die down in the next couple of days when it comes to mardi gras and then they can focus on the big game. and we have seen banners around, 49ers banners so, you know, they are ready for football. >> now, you have one set of beads so far? y need to work it. >> no, i have many, many beads. they are on the floor right now. i can't reach them. every color you can think of, green, purple, gold, and i also got thrown some beads that had little footballs on it. so we're doing well. >> that doesn't surprise me, i'm sorry to say. >> hey. when you're in rome, right? [ laughter ] >> exactly. enjoy. >> all right. all right.
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so new orleans is like i said it's preparing for about 150,000 to 200,000 people to visit their city. more than $400 million is supposed to be coming in just from tour unfortunately alone because of super bowl xlvii. but new orleans isn't the only city cashing in on the super bowl. so is san francisco and cbs 5's elissa harrington is in san francisco with more on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. hope you're having fun in new orleans. here in san francisco buildings all over the city are lit up in red and gold but the city also expected to take in some green this super bowl. even though the host city makes the big bucks an estimated $435 million, san francisco should get a boost. the people who live and work here could see an additional $120 a year in personal income. there are a few reasons for that. according to economists, winning brings confidence and pumped up fans are big spenders. also the city has been put on a national stage. we are getting a lot of exposure right now and a lot of
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press. that also brings confidence. and finally, food and merchandise. across the country fans are expected to spend $11 billion on super bowl-related purchases including about 8 million pounds of tortilla chips, one and a quarter billion chicken wings if you can believe that, 51 million cases of beer and countless t-shirts and other clothing. >> in general, should be san francisco a more exuberant optimistic place, good for consumer spending. >> reporter: winning a super bowl can also improve a national image. right now, if we win the super bowl, that means [ signal breakup ] more exposure a celebration if the city which could bring even more fans spending more money. [ signal breakup ] that's bragging rights. live in san francisco, elissa harrington, cbs 5. >> got a few demons in our
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transmission line there. elissa, thank you for that report. the south bay gave a ceremonial sendoff to the 49ers as they headed for the biggs. they boarded a charter yesterday in san jose for the ride of a lifetime. as the plane taxied to the runway a couple of fire trucks bidding farewell shooting hoses at the plane. dozens of fans showed their support outside the 9ers training facility in santa clara, as well. they were decked out in 49er gear. fans waited to catch a glimpse of the players as they drove by. colin kaepernick had a little fun throwing out a few goodies. what is that a plane or something like that? as he made his way to the bus. jim harbaugh keeping a lower profile but fans didn't mind. they just wanted to wish their team the best of luck. >> and the 49ers are not going to be disappointed exploring the city a little bit. they are going to be busy. they have a busy schedule not only prepping for super bowl xlvii but also some appearances
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and different events. right now, though, they are resting comfortably in their hotel rooms in new orleans this morning and they landed in the big easy last night. you know, they're just days away from super bowl xlvii and hopefully their 6th nfl championship in team history. now, should the day after the super bowl be a national holiday, maybe so. especially if the 49ers win. we are talking everything social media right now. facebook, twitter is just going nuts with super bowl xlvii and with more on that, is cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran. >> reporter: hi, michelle. i think the first question you asked was good, which was should the day after the super bowl be a holiday? super bowl weekend is already an unofficial holiday. but there is a petition out there believe it on to change that. the petition points out that 111 million americans watched last year's super bowl and it says by making super bowl monday a holiday, the streets
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will be safer sunday night and people will be more productive on tuesday. people we spoke to seem to agree. >> it's all about beyonce. so yes, new orleans houston, beyonce, we should have a three- day festival. >> it should be a national holiday because most people like myself and the working class of america have to work. and i feel like that we should have the day off so we can celebrate our fellow san franciscans, whoo, 49ers! >> whoo! > >> reporter: don't count on taking next monday off though. the petition has around 2600 signatures. that's well short of the 100,000 needed for the white house to even look at it. but i grew up in japan actually and no matter what, 49ers -- super bowl monday was always super bowl monday and that's because we were a day ahead. reporting live in the newsroom, cate caugiran, cbs 5. it is 5:07. in other news efforts are continuing to identify the
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victims of that deadly nightclub fire this weekend in brazil. 233 people died in santa maria early yesterday. police inspectors say a band member on stage lit a flare or firework which ignited the foam sound insulation in the building. survivors say security guards stopped them from getting out because they thought patrons were trying to leave without paying their bills. part of egypt is under a state of emergency. president mohamed morsi also instituted a month long curfew in three provinces followed by a deadly weekend. more than 50 people died in clashes between the police and demonstrators. the emergency law allows security forces to arrest and detain people. immigration reform is getting attention on capitol hill today. a bipartisan group of senators holding a news conference this afternoon to talk about their plans. the senators are calling for a path to citizenship for illegal aliens who are already here in
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the united states. tomorrow the president will also talk about immigration reform when he speaks in nevada. now, a joint interview with president obama and secretary of state hillary clinton. many wonder if clinton will run for president in 2016 with president obama's endorsement. mr. obama telling "60 minutes" that's speculation and premature. >> you guys if the press are incorrigible. i was literally inaugurated four days ago. >> right. >> and you're talking about elections four years from now. >> yeah. and i am as you know, steve, i am still secretary of state so i'm out of politics and forbidden from even hearing these questions. >> the great interview. the state department has confirmed that february 1st will be clinton's final day as secretary of state. she will take time off and we'll see if she decides to run. you can meet one of the nation's top judges today right here in san francisco. supreme court associate justice
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sonia sotomayor brought her book tour to california this weekend. at noon she will speak at the commonwealth club program at the theater on van ness. following that shoal sign copies of her book my beloved world. right here in the city. get a look at traffic and weather now. and it looks beautiful out there in new orleans. you're missing a great day here, too, michelle. >> i know. and i'm so bugged about that. not really. [ laughter ] >> new orleans has been fun the last couple of days. it's a little misty right now. how's it looking out there, lawrence? >> looking good here michelle. i'm looking at 63 degrees in new orleans right where you're at right now but looks like we have some changes coming our way and i think you're going to like them. more sunshine on the way out the door today as high pressure is going to begin to take over. still our high-def doppler radar looking out for any raindrops right now. we don't see that but quite a few clouds outside so the clouds at least are keeping up the temperature from getting as cold but you can see that diving in from the north and spreading in across the bay
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area right now. over the bay we have some clouds and the temperatures still chilly in spots 30s and 50s, as well. i think as we head toward the afternoon though we'll see some sunshine and the temperatures up in the 50s and the 60s. much warmer days ahead. we are going to talk about that in a moment. right now let's check the roads. >> good morning, liza battalones filling in for elizabeth wenger. so far traffic looking just fine still no big accidents out there and enjoy the light traffic. at the bay bridge toll plaza, no monday morning rush as of yet and that light traffic stays with you all the way across the upper deck of the bay bridge heading into san francisco. over at the san mateo bridge, westbound traffic looking fine. we did not have any major construction projects overnight so both directions of highway 92 look just fine between foster city and the hayward yai. i want to show you a map now of the 880/237 area where traffic is still looking very light southbound 880 looking good
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leaving fremont heading towards 237 in milpitas and all of our south bay freeways still moving at the speed limit. no delays reported so far for the bart system. that's a look at the commute. we'll have more news, weather and traffic in just a few minutes. 5:11. sometimes super bowl players need a little extra help off the field. still to come, the good luck charms football fans hang on to from game day. >> counting down to super bowl, we are learning everything there is to know about new orleans. and i tell you, we're in the middle of mardi gras season. it's not only the people out here who celebrate. sf >> what's cool about your school? you can submit your nomination on our website, he would may come out and feature your school on the show. we'll be right back.
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almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ alright, let's go. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. ♪ a skillet entrée, appetizer and dessert. now that's what i call a square meal.
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but wouldn't three courses make it a triangle meal? waitress. three courses, one diner price. complete skillet meals from just $8.99. only at denny's. ♪[ music ]♪
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♪[ music ]♪ >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. in the bay area, got to love that stuff, michelle. >> i know. it's wonderful. live in new orleans, i mean, you walk along the french quarter and that's what you hear playing on every corner. is jazz. we're cross from jackson square. square. they are painting, sketching, clowns with balloons for kids walking and jackson square. this city knows how to celebrate and let the good times roll as the locals like to say. right now they are in the middle of mardi gras season.
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not only the people out here celebrate mardi gras. so do their pets. >> celebrates dogs in new orleans. >> this is the king of 2010, the day of the super bowl when the saints won. and >> who are you rooting for in the super bowl? >> i would say the ravens. just because they beat us last time. >> they beat us. they took us out of the running last time. i think everyone is feeling the same way. we don't want san francisco to win. >> come on. >> standard feeling in new orleans. >> it's all about the patriots. saints used to be 49ers, now pulling for the ravens. >> hope the 49ers fans have a
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good time. >> the saints aren't playing in the super bowl. so are you going to give the 49ers a little love? >> all right. go 9ers. >> do you mean that? >> a little bit. >> go 49ers! whoo! >> welcome to new orleans! >> hey, one by one, we're making the locals out here 49ers fans. that video by the way was from the crew of barkus parade. they put this on every year since 1993. a great parade for the pets. the theme was tiaras and trailers. don't ask. let's go to traffic now with liza battalones. how's it looking out there? >> you know, it's looking pretty good out there, michelle. good morning, everybody. liza battalones here filling in for elizabeth wenger. we are getting word now of an amtrak delay. this affects the busy capitol corridor line. train number 521 which travels between sacramento and davis
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running about 30 minutes late this morning. so give yourself some extra time. 880 the nimitz approaching and passing the coliseum is moving along just fine. no accidents so far for 880. very light traffic over at the san mateo bridge. here's lawrence with a look at the forecast. >> all right. liza, we have a couple of clouds outside right now. looks like a few more clouds on the way throughout the morning hours. then by the time we get to the afternoon a lot of sunshine as high pressure builds in. still breezy in spots especially at the coastline. temperatures not as cold because of the cloud cover some 30s and 40s. as we head toward the afternoon we should satisfy some sunshine and just a few passing clouds and 50s and 60s for highs. so yeah, looks like this low is finally kicking eastward. a cool weekend but that low is shifting moving toward the east. high pressure going to be building in. that is really going to warm up the temperatures very nicely. going to be mild today and then i think a lot warmer as we get
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in toward the middle of the week. so looking good here and around much of the state. 50s into the central valley still a chance of showers up toward eureka. around the bay area though we'll keep those temperatures into the 50s in the south bay, cooler 50s and breezy at the coast. 50s and low 60s as you head to the east bay. and inside the bay some temperatures looking nice. temperatures running up in the 50s and 60s next couple of days. we are going to see that ridge build in nicely the next couple of days, spring-like feel toward the middle of the week. then next weekend wouldn't you know it, the clouds roll in and temperatures cool down >> middle of the week is beautiful and then the weekend comes and it rains. >> we get in these cycles and right now, that's the setup. >> this looks nice. >> not black and silver and black. >> i know. i wish. [ laughter ] we got you covered on everything super bowl this week. you have heard from michelle, much more from her. you're going to have sports director dennis o'donnell and
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vern glenn, and mike sugerman is driving to the big easy. his reports coming up. some super bowl players may have a lucky charm before game day. next what bay area fans are holding on to to help the 49ers win the big game. and, of course, we're live in new orleans where they know how to host a good party. we're taking in all of the culture here and we're going to let you know what you need to know about the crescent city.
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you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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[ mom ] dear chex cereal i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook.
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pro football athletes on their way to the biggest game of their lives. and they carry their own bags. it's no secre so check this out. pro football athletes on the way to the biggest game of their lives and some carry their own bags. no secret, some of the players might be packing a lucky charm in all that luggage. here at cbs 5 we were curious what would you pack. my beanie my grandfather gave me. >> my jersey all black with red numbers. i have been a 9ers fan since i was young, go 9ers. >> if you are going to wear your colors that would be a good luck charm in my opinion. >> 5:24. i got my beads here, michelle.
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what is your lucky charm? >> hey, i have more beads for you, frank, when i get back. i did catch a guy the other night wearing a strand of beads and they were 49ers football so that's pretty cool. >> absolutely. >> reporter: we're in the middle of mardi gras season right now. usually what they do around mardi gras, which is fat tuesday is february 12th. they celebrate for a good two weeks. they put on the parades for a good two weeks. everyone comes out celebrates, the floats go by, you have beads flying from every balcony in the french quarter but with the super bowl, they are separating it out so they are celebrating mardi gras for one week, then it's the super bowl for one week, and then it's back to celebrating mardi gras again for a week after. they know how to party. we have been walking the
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streets and seen people in costumes. we have run into jazz musicians mo are on the corner. we have had many people just come up to us and start singing. >> the music captures the flavor of the french quarter. at night, that little area just comes alive, doesn't it? >> well, bourbon street is amazing because we were out there at night and literally there are just beads littering the streets. you have to really be careful where you walk because you can slip and fall on these beads. then we go out there in the morning, it's like nothing ever happened. it's completely clean. they have a good system running here. >> if you look up in the trees and some of the lampposts you can see indeed from the other lampposts. [ cathedral bells ringing ] super monday the push for a national holiday. we'll have the latest on that.
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plus the 9ers in new orleans. we were there for the big bay area sendoff.
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[ telephone rings ] good evening this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is a super monday here in the bay area. it's january 28. >> i'm michelle griego live in new orleans where jackson square has some of the oldest buildings. new orleans is about 300 years old, with so much history, culture and music. this is a foodie paradise. >> i bet.
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i saw what you had over the weekend on facebook, gumbo shrimp. >> i don't enjoy seafood but i tried a little shrimp gumbo. it was pretty darn delicious. i also tried some mashed potatoes new orleans style. the one thing i haven't tried yet are the beignets. but we're right across from cafe du monde which is world famous for their beignets so we are going right after the show. >> that a girl. that a girl. you're not going to go hungry there that's for sure although with your hours, you are going to be all over the place. >> right. we need to figure out a time to eat but that's all right. it's new orleans! take it easy. we're all good. that's the thing -- that's the theme here. it's all good. you're in new orleans, baby. >> how do you say that in french now again? have you mastered that? >> okay. i wrote it down because i knew i would butcher it so i'm sorry
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for all the french people out there. it's laissez les bon temps rouler. that means let the good times roll. and people in new orleans know how to let the good times roll, frank. >> tres bien! well done, michelle, well done. we'll check back with you momentarily. it is 5:31. before the 9ers landed in the big easy, they got a ceremonial sendoff in the bay area in the south bay. the team boarded a delta charter in san jose yesterday for what could be the ride of their lives just a week away as plane taxied on the runway a couple of fire trucks giving them a water salute. dozens of fans also showed up to show their support outside the 9ers training facility down in santa clara. decked out 9er gear fans waited to catch a glimpse of the players as they drove by. colin kaepernick had a little fun with the fans on his way to the bus throwing a little paper
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airplane there. jim harbaugh keeping a lower profile. he's all business right now. but the fans didn't mind. they just wanted to wish the team the best of luck. [ yelling ] >> keep doing what you doing because you got great fans out here cheering you on. >> good luck, play hard, don't give up on yourself. >> some good advice. the fans did their best to show their love as the buses finally rolled by beginning their journey to the super bowl victory hopefully. they got in last night and i would imagine are asleep although a couple of them are probably already at work now. 49ers stayed in a beautiful hotel. with more on that let's check in with michelle. >> all right, frank. well, when the players wake up this morning, hopefully they are resting tonight. but when they weak up this morning, they are going to have a lot to do here. we have been saying it all morning. new orleans really knows how to entertain so the players are going to be busy with a lot of events and appearances but they also, you know, they had to prep for the big football game
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coming up. they are counting down to super bowl xlvii. they landed in the big easy last night and, of course, they are just days away from the big game against the ravens. we think they are going to do it. their 6th nfl championship in team history. the super bowl is bringing money to new orleans. this is the first one they hosted since hurricane sandy. parts of the city still devastated from the hurricane many years ago. they are going to be bringing in a little over $420 million from all of the out-of-towners coming in for the super bowl. and it's not only new orleans raking in the cash but san francisco is, as well. and cbs 5's elissa harrington is live in san francisco with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's no secret that sports teams bring in money especially when they win. but just how much are we talking about? well, this super bowl,
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economists estimate that new orleans. host city will make about $435 million. san francisco could see long- term effects of the 49ers success. people who live and work here could make an estimated $120 extra a year in personal income. the reason for this, pumped-up fans are big spenders. winning the super bowl means the city would win, too. fans across the country are expected to spend $11 billion on merchandise, t-shirts, jerseys, hats, food. one and a quarter billion chicken wings, 8 million pounds of tortilla chips and 51 million cases of beer. >> it is good for the economy. absolutely it's good for the economy. you know, there's a relationship between mood and spending. and when people feel good, they spend more. >> they feel good right now. >> they feel really good right now. very excited right now. >> reporter: fans feeling really good because this is the first time the 49ers have been to the super bowl since 1995.
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a successful season can also provide some priceless benefits and improve city image. a lot of exposure and most importantly, bragging rights. live in san francisco, elissa harrington, cbs 5. the bragging rights is worth it alone. so go 9ers. so super bowl xlvii as you can imagine is trending big time on all the social media outlets and cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran has more from the newsroom. i need you out here to put that special app on my iphone. i don't know how to do it. >> after this, i will set you up and show you how to download it and you will be all super bowl -- basically, the pinnacle of knowledge. because right now, that's what's trending. actually the first thing that's trending is that last-minute push to get tickets. so die-hard 49ers fans before you take out that checkbook or credit card, first let's look at the prices we have been tracking. on average, tickets will set you back about $3,389. roughly one could argue that's
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about 2 months rent for a san francisco studio. the cheapest seats are $1,776. the reason they are cheaper is because you're on the upper level of the superdome. if you have money to burn, tickets will be under $5,000. these seats put you on the sidelines at the 20 to 30-yard line. here's something for the super fans whether you're in new orleans or here at home. i hope you have that on your iphone. don't worry, michelle, i'll set you up. this year verizon has all things super bowl. a guide to the events in the area as well as local restaurants. you can have it set up to have notifications sent to your phone so you can follow all the buzz. and if you are all about planning, the app also lets you set calendar alerts. going back to the tickets, the prices meaning the ones in the thousands are actually $100
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down from a week ago. but according to "huffington post" article i just read, prices are expected to drop hours before kickoff. but the question is, would you really want to wait that long? so reporting live in the newsroom, cate caugiran, cbs 5. >> some people may wan to. all right. thank you so much, cate. let's take it out to lawrence. the sun is finally up out here so i may have to shed this coat but i feel the humidity coming in. you can tell with my hair. >> your hair looks perfect michelle. that's the right answer, right? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> 93% relative humidity in new orleans. out here, we are keeping things dry. our hi-def doppler checking out to see if we might have any leftover rain but not seeing any right now. a lot of cloud cover, but so far, so good. the clouds though are keeping the temperatures up around the bay area. still chilly in some spots some 30s and 40s but not bad. in fact, as we head in toward
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the afternoon hours we're looking good. expect highs running up into the 50s towards inside, 57 santa clara and milpitas. 59 pleasanton. 56 livermore. 57 antioch. breezy inside the bay into san francisco today about 58 degrees, about 60 in oakland. about 57 degrees in hayward. much warmer days to come. we'll talk more about that in a moment. right now let's check the roads with liza. >> hi there, lawrence. good morning, everybody. we're looking at major systemwide delays now on amtrak. at first it just affected the capitol corridor line. now we are looking at systemwide delays on amtrak. this started as a problem in the sacramento area with amtrak reporting a trespasser somewhere along the tracks. that is now resulted in the delays. and we'll keep you posted when amtrak clears out the problems. big-time delays this morning on amtrak capitol corridor line. bay area freeways still in good
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shape. live pictures now of 101 as it rolls on through to san jose approaching mckee road. now, both 101 and 280 are just fine for your drive through san jose. now the bridge commute. bridge crews are clearing up a car that broke down on the lower deck of the bay bridge. this is counter commute eastbound 80 approaching treasure island the right lane shut down so you can see right now, so far very light traffic as you leave the oakland area approaching the bay bridge toll plaza. san mateo bridge, this is it on the right-hand side of your screen would be the westbound drive. that is moving at the limit. in fact, all bridge commutes checking in trouble-free. and no delays reported this morning for the bart system. that's a look at the commute. now frank. >> all right, thank you much. 5:39. crews in brazil are going through the grim task of identifying the bodies of the more than 230 people many of them college students who died in a nightclub fire. the fire broke out early yesterday morning in the southern city of santa maria. police inspectors say a band
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member on stage apparently lit a flare or firework which ignited the foam sound insulation on the ceiling above the band. survivors say security guards stopped them from getting out of the building because they thought patrons were trying to leave without paying. firefighters couldn't get in and people couldn't get out because bodies piled up a bit only exit. san francisco mayor ed lee will deliver his state of the city address today. he is expected to give updates on the 17 hin point job plan he created during his mayoral campaign. stricter gun control laws could also be on the agenda. we might hear about san francisco's ambition plans to become the first city in the nation with zero waste. lee will deliver his state of the city address at 10 a.m. at college track on 3rd street in the city. another big turnout for a gun buy-back program here in the bay area. this one was san mateo. people delivered all types of
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handguns, rifles in exchange for cash. more than 700 firearms were turned in with $63,000 being paid for all those firearms. apple enthusiasts will be on the lookout for any new gadgets or apps that are released this week at macworld. it starts this thursday here in san francisco. hollywood movers and shakers will also take center stage including ashton kutcher, scheduled to talk about his experience playing apple founder steve jobs in an upcoming biopic film. 5:41. a primate makes a super bowl prediction. who she picked as this year's winner. plus, super supper. michelle learns the secret to making a perfect meal before sunday's big game new orleans style. and dramatic video out of china. the narrow escape for a motorcyclist coming up. oh. after the break. stay right there. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo!
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you walk with friends, you meet new friends and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ ♪ undeniable ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ ♪ building up from deep inside ♪ it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt.
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some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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surveillance video. a turn too fast a close call at an intersection in eastern china captured on surveillance video. keep an eye on the motorcyclist right there. it turns over barely missing that motorcyclist waiting at the intersection. he jumps off. it's unlikely the motorcyclist would have survived had he been
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hit in tuesday's accident. nobody was seriously injured. it is 5:45. futures trading is higher this morning. 45 minutes ahead of the opening bell, to start the week on wall street on our favorite day, it is monday, and ashley morrison of is front and center. good morning. >> reporter: i don't know if monday is my favorite day. but good morning to you, frank. asian markets were mixed amid profit-taking and improved economic prospects in europe. tokyo's nikkei dropped 1% while hong kong's hang seng gained half a percent. investors are getting ready for more fourth quarter earnings on wall street. caterpillar and yahoo will release their reports today. dow up 70 on friday to close at 13,895. that's the highest close since october of 2007. the nasdaq gained 19. exxonmobil has once again topped apple as the world's most valuable company. last week apple's storm was down more than 14% after the
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tech giant posted a disappointing profit report. apple's market value is now $412 billion compared to exxonmobil's $417 billion. apple's first surpassed exxon in the summer of 2011. watch out for a checkout fee if you are using your credit card. some retail, can now charge up to 3% more on credit card purchases. this is as a result of a settlement following a lawsuit filed in 2005 against mastercard, visa and other financial institutions. ten states though do have laws banning the checkout fee including california. also good news for me, new york and connecticut. because i like to do a little bit of shopping, frank, sometimes. >> that's what we hear. >> cash is king, by the way. another story near and dear to your sweet tooth. hostess is expected to announce a bidder for drake's snack cakes, yodels and all those good things. >> absolutely. mckee foods will reportedly pay up to $30 million to buy devil
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dogs, funnybones and yodels from hostess in november hostess announced it was shutting down its business. a buyer for twinkies is expected to be announced also in the coming weeks and i have my fingers crossed. we are going to safety dingdongs, too. >> there you go. got you covered. okay, ashley morrison of live in new york, thank you. >> see you. weather-wise, you delivered one of the most perfect weekends ever. >> did you like it? >> i'm going to shake your hand. >> thank you very much. i'm glad you could enjoy it. we did have some showers over the weekend but most of that was in the morning which was great. so by the daytime hours we are looking good a lot of sunshine a little cool in spots. out the door we go today, we have a lot of clouds out there right now but no rain to speak of. a little breezy at the coast. this afternoon sunshine, clouds and milder. high pressure today, a transitional day kick the low east. as the ridge builds in,
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temperatures warm up. going to be mild today seasonal and it looks like warmer temperatures toward the middle of the week. clouds this morning no delays at sfo. 81 degrees in houston showers into denver also some showers into chicago and some rain expected. snow possibly in new york. temperatures around the bay in the 50s in the south bay this afternoon, sunshine into the east bay and 50s. and inside the bay today 50s and low 60s. going to be breezy coastside once again. but i think toward the next few days, the winds are going to start to settle down and the temperatures will be heating up on wednesday and thursday. and then it looks like things cool off, more clouds on the way as we head toward next weekend. let's check the roads with liza battalones. >> we are going to start off once again, lawrence, with amtrak, where we're looking at systemwide delays on the capitol corridor line. it began 45 minutes ago and currently they are reporting at least at minimum 30-minute delays systemwide for the
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capitol corridor train because of a trespasser they report on the tracks just outside of sacramento. we'll keep you posted and let you know when they are able to clear the tracks and get the trains on schedule. heading for menlo park, watching this accident southbound 101 approaching marsh road. it's a four-car crash on the right-hand side shoulder. no lanes are shut down but you may see activity there off to the right-hand shoulder. you can see from the green so far traffic seems to be doing okay for 101 to and through the peninsula. the rest of the commute if you are heading for 880 a car fire is reported right now southbound 880 approaching dakota. but all the bridge commutes are okay. that's a look at the drive into work. new orleans is known for its food. we all know that. corn mac chew is made from some simple ingredient you can find anywhere but michelle wanted to find out how a local cafe did it down in new orleans.
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>> you do it anywhere, corn, onions, peppers all this stuff is local to everybody. that's what's great about this dish is because all you have to do is throw onion into a pan, shrimp. gulf shrimp are different because they are sweet. and we get our shrimp in every day. >> so it is fresh. >> it is really fresh. >> that's a big difference in taste. >> it's a big difference in taste, definitely. all you have to do is saute down your primary ingredients, onion, garlic and green bell pepper, fresh gulf shrimp, or shrimp from wherever you're from, fresh corn, tomato, some scallions, and a little trick here we do at the cafe to make it our own we add fresh andouille sausage. this is a sausage that's made in louisiana. it's a hard smoked sausage made
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in laplace known for their sausage. the only place they make it. >> what's in the sauce? >> the sauce is just heavy cream. it's a combination of all this already cooked down. we serve it over a fresh grit that we get here in louisiana. you can get grits anywhere. and we serve it right over it. >> it's so colorful. >> and that is corn machoo. >> anything else you want to say about your cuisine? it's unique. come down from san francisco, get out to any restaurant in new orleans and try anything local. you won't go wrong. >> i think michelle is eating well down there. it is 5:51 now. it's not just the 9ers who are capturing the attention of th fans. the other bay area sports teams who had hundreds lining up, as well. >> and 9er fever isn't just limited to san francisco. in the east bay, a number of fans, as well. we'll be right back. stay right there. , folks. this is flo.
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[laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! lice hone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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oakland a's are also pulling for a niners win. the a 9ers fever isn't just limited to san francisco. in the east bay fans of the oakland as are also pulling for a big 49ers winner this week. the as sold out their fanfest at the oracle arena yesterday. a lot of green, a lot of gold. fans lined up for a chance to see some of their favorite players close up. but it seems like no matter who your team is, everyone is pulling for the 9ers. and that's the way it should be. 5:54. let's check back in with michelle. did you get a taste of that corn dish? it looked delicious. >> i didn't get a taste of it. i was so bummed about it. we didn't have time. he just quickly did it for us and we had to take off. but we actually, we ate before
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he gave us the lesson on how to make the dish, we ate at that restaurant. that's cafe almoli there for about 8 years. and i ended up with the chicken and mashed potatoes new orleans style. it was good. and much like san francisco, new orleans is a foodie's paradise. it's great. so i'm excited for the week to come and all of the food i'll get to enjoy, frank. >> the shrimp, everyone saw forrest gump i guess and the shrimp come right out of the gulf, right? and i guess the fresher the better, just like you said. >> right. he said it was 50 miles away they get that shrimp from. so it is fresh. so it's a big difference in taste. they use local ingredients at these restaurants so the chef said, you know, there are a lot of things that you can make only right here in new orleans. >> well, i got news for you, michelle, you better taste everything. that corn looked too good to
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pass up even just a little sample for crying out loud. >> i know. it was beautiful. we will. we'll get to that for the rest of the week. >> thank you, michelle. we'll check back in a little bit. 5:56. an orangutan in a zoo is weighing in with a super bowl prediction. sigh boo is a new mom at the fresno chafee zoo. over the weekend she was given a box with blankets representing the 49ers and the ravens. and look what she pulled out first. that would be a niner blanket. but s ibu has only been right 50% of the time with previous predictions but we'll go for it. a 9er win all the way. 5:56. coming up in the next half hour the reprieve ends for sunday drivers here in san francisco. the new rule being enforced. also ahead -- >> everybody in some way is affected by this and everyone gets involved. >> that means big bucks. the impact on people's wallets here in san francisco because
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of the super bowl. and making super bowl day a holiday. won we all love that? >> next on cbs 5 i'll tell you about the petition that's out there that could change that. best $4 i ever spent. definitely better than that $4 sweater. you got something there. now it's a $4 vest. the everyday value slam®. one of four choices for $4 on denny's $2$4$6$8 value menu®.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald captions by: caption colorado super bowl bound. there they are. the 9ers are waking up in new orleans this morning. the big bay area sendoff. >> and i'm michelle griego live in new orleans. we're taking in the sights, the smells, the sounds of the crescent city. we'll tell you everything you need to know about the big easy. >> i think we have some super weather coming our way. a chilly start to the day, some of those temperatures back down in the 30s in spots. more on your weather coming up. >> not so super traffic for 880 in the fremont area. a car fire being cleared out southbound and major amtrak


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